mood tummy ache
The Things I Don't Want to Leave Behind
Something really exciting happened at work today. There was a friggin BLACKOUT. I was happily packing salt when everything went dark, all the machines died down and the production floor went all silent. So we bummed around doing nothing, not being able to eat our lunch too because guess what, we couldn't microwave our food! About half hour later we decided that nothing was going to happen, no angels were going to descend down from heaven with flaming torches, no wizards were going to vaporize out of thin air and transfigure a battery-operated microwave with a flick of the wand, so what the heck, we just ate our lunches cold.
And so, we sat in semi-darkness, basking in the sweltering heat while eating our cold rice with cold stir fried cabbage and cold potato beef stew. What a way of celebrating the beauty of summer, what say you?
The supervisors took the opportunity to conduct some staff training which we had to sit for. Barely thirty minutes into it, I started to get a little fidgety and began counting sheeps. Then I felt my eyelids droop while the little troops of army in my brain started doing a system shutdown. All of a sudden I felt like I was back in NUS in a lecture theatre, and I didn't really like the feeling. Speaking of NUS, yesterday I was casually mentioning to Wayne about the prospect of doing honours when he said that he felt it would be better to go for it. Now I am thrown back into a whirlpool of indecisiveness and uncertainty, and I really hate the sense of helplessness that it entails. :(
Yesterday I spent the whole night in the living room watching Murder in the Outback and talking to Wayne (if you consider crapping as talking). We were arguing about the colours of capsicum, sorting out rotten plums and discussing about vegetables. Oh, the retardedness of it... but it felt very nice. It reminded me of my first year staying in hall when everyday was full of yaks and chatters, when every other night Suz would flip-flop down the corridor and peer into my room after which we would waste the whole night sprawled on the bed or crammed in one corner of the tiny hostel room having girly chats, heart to heart sharing, pillow talks and whatnot, while our tutorials and assignments lay abandoned in heaps.
I really love talking to people. It makes me feel alive.
It's a pity that Suz and I drifted away like that, and I guess deep down I still have a wee bit of hope that one day our paths will cross again.
Anyway, today we watched The Anatomist - Gunther Von Hagens, which Wayne insisted I watch because of the sheer fact that the title sounded gross enough and he wanted to witness me throwing up on his couch. It was a documentary about this German medical freak who plasticize dead bodies and design them into various eerie looking exhibits, supposedly for the betterment of science. It was darn spooky how his eyes lit up everytime he talks about his work, and how he was slicing the bodies as though he was slicing bread. Together with Wolf Creek, the murder movie we watched on Saturday, that makes THREE gory movies in a row. I'll be damned if I don't start seeing dead people from now on. As of now, I officially have no more faith left for Wayne's taste in DVDs.
I trudged back to my room close to midnight feeling utterly exhausted from all the gore overdose and also from clutching the couch cushion so tight it went all lumpy. But NO, the night was only gonna get more exciting! And that was when Wayne stomped over from downstairs and very matter-of-factly informed me that there was a snake sitting in the garage that very moment.
HOLY GUACAMOLE, look at that thing! It was about 60 cm long and quite fat too, all curled up around the roller of the garage door.
And the two of us just stood there like goons for a good 15 minutes staring at it, somewhat dumbfounded and too wussy to do anything that would jeopardize our lives and put us on the front page of Gold Coast Times. Wayne wasn't comfortable with the idea of having a possibly venomous snake making home in his garage so we spent another half hour doing some research before discovering that it was just some harmless carpet snake.
Clearer picture from the net.
Geez, lets just hope that it doesn't start getting greedy around here. Read article.
Exciting, hey? life in Australia :)
There are so many weird animals around you that you just feel compelled to start memorising the names and colours of venomous snakes and spiders. Just in case. Labels: aussie